With all the buntings going up around town for the street parties and the Royal Wedding it made me want to make another bunting but instead of it being for my room I made it out of oil cloth that looks like doilies which means it should in theory be water proof, although I'm not sure if its wind proof (I hope so).
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Cute Garden Bunting
With all the buntings going up around town for the street parties and the Royal Wedding it made me want to make another bunting but instead of it being for my room I made it out of oil cloth that looks like doilies which means it should in theory be water proof, although I'm not sure if its wind proof (I hope so).
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
The Launch of Chintzy Cakes
So instead of filling the Project Chintzy pages with lots of cakes, etc I have designed Chintzy Cakes. I am hoping that in the near future Chintzy Cakes will become a business, a place where I can bake and design cakes and more to the customers specifics.
I will still be putting posts on Project Chintzy even though I haven't put anything on for a while (I have been told off by my sister) sorry.
Please check out Chintzy Cakes it will have the same silly banter that Project Chintzy has but no cushions or fabric.
Thank You
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Its only taken me 10 years to truly work out what I'm good at and enjoy doing. This miracle came about when I signed up for a cake decorating and sugar craft course in September. Since then I've been hooked.
I've been baking since I was a little girl, one of my fondest memories was running my own cafe out of my Grandads garage when I was 3 to 4 years old. Only ever had one customer though. Back then my favourite things to make were flapjacks although most of the mixture ended up in mine and Beeky's bellies :-)
But now I'm making Victoria Sponge Cakes and covering them with fondant icing and then decorating that with roses and leaves that I made the week before. Like this one:

The first cake I decorated at my class was this one. Before the class we had to cover the entire cake in glace icing so it had time to set, ish and then during the class we learnt how to create templates out of grease proof paper. I, of course went for a flower picture and was very pleased with how it turned out.

These are some of the icing techniques we've been taught in the first lesson:

Recently my big sis Beeky got married and she asked me to make a 100 cupcakes for the big day, these cakes below were the testers to see if the coloured icing worked and to also see if she liked the taste of them, like a taste test. My victims for the taste test were of course Beeky and also her hens (not the animal variety) everyone said they tasted lovely so all I changed was the icing instead of having purple I went for chocolate and vanilla, and added a purple heart on top which was made out of marzipan. They also went down a storm at the wedding so I'm hoping more people will be asking me for cakes at their weddings or birthdays ;-)

And lastly here are a couple of picture of the vintage vogue competition dress I told you about a couple of months ago, its not very creative but I'm no Coco Chanel.

I'll try not to leave it so long next time, bye.
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Holiday in Stratford and the Lakes

Now for some recent projects I have been up to. The first is creating Roman blinds for my room, which was quite a task. I had to make four one metre wide blinds because the ditsy fabric I chose was only 45'' wide and my windows are around 80'' so that was the first problem, it also took me a while to attempt to make them, I had search the net for the simplest pattern on how to put it all together. It took some doing and I still think they need a bit of tweaking but they are up, keeping the light out on the night time and that's the main thing, I've only taken a photo of the one blind because they all look the same so here it is:

Last week I was on my birthday holiday with my dear sister Beeky and we went to Stratford for a couple of days. I love it in Stratford, the time seems to slow down so you can fit loads of things in to your day where as here 24hrs is like 10 so it feels as though once your back from work its time for bed (I feel like a grandma saying that) Anywho getting back to Stratford we found some very cute places to shop there is Broadway where I got a very cute bunny tooth brush cover, and a metal sign which I have forgotten to take a picture of.
The next little shopping spot we found was Hatton Village (I think that's right) its a lovely bundle of quirky shops the type I like and also where I finally found Mr Flamingo he was my birthday present off Beeky I think she was a bit surprised when I said that's what I want for my main pressie I think she thought I was joking at first. So here is Mr Flamingo in his natural habitat:

He looks so happy :-)
Also from Hatton village I found a cute rabbit egg cup and a delicious fudge shop but that didn't last long enough for photo opportunities.
And lastly here are a couple of pieces I have picked up in the last month or so. The cup and saucer is from the Lake District, I went down to see my friend Sarah who has just open a cafe Bizzy Lizzy the cafe has been there for 7 years roughly, Sarah and her mum have taken over running it so I popped down to help out one weekend and found some very me shops.
The Plate is from Warwick can't remember the name of the shop but it had lots of pretty pieces, its hard for me to not buy everything when there crammed with everything I love, its like someone has been in my head and created a shop from it, weird.
There was another lovely place we visited called Bourton on the Water (something like that) its one of those journeys where you think the Tomtom is taking you completely the wrong way until it brings you out on to a lovely little village. Big news though for once I didn't buy anything, that's a first. Anyways that's all from my trips outs I'll try and not leave it so long for the next post ;-)
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Birdie Cushion

I've also been working on a dress but its in its annoying stage at the moment so it will appear on the blog in the near future :-)
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Patch Work Quilt
My final news is that in February we finally got an ickle puppy he's called Pookie after Garfields teddy bear and he is very much a teddy bear, he's mastered the puppy dog look the one they do after they have been naughty but you cant tell them of because of the cute face they pull, damn that look. Here is Pookie and the I'm so cute look.
And here he is after his first bath, he loves being in the tub but hates being dried off.
Monday, 4 January 2010
Catch Up
I've been a busy bunny recently so got lots of photos and more to come later.