And these are the decorations which where originally for the tree but I think they maybe too big for my 4ft tree (although I did nearly buy a 6ft tree but thought it would be a wee bit to big for my room) :
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
One Month To Christmas
I cant believe there only 30 days till Christmas YEAH. I've been really busy making Christmas cards and tree decorations and as promised I have surpassed myself with photos. Here's the cards that I've been making:

And these are the decorations which where originally for the tree but I think they maybe too big for my 4ft tree (although I did nearly buy a 6ft tree but thought it would be a wee bit to big for my room) :

And these are the decorations which where originally for the tree but I think they maybe too big for my 4ft tree (although I did nearly buy a 6ft tree but thought it would be a wee bit to big for my room) :
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Project Chinzy goes to Etsy
I'm hoping to get a little marketplace on the etsy site sorted out before the end of the year so if you like what you've seen on my blog then come visit my etsy site. (but not yet)
I was hoping to get some christmas things made to sell on etsy but with only 36 days till christmas I think I may have left it to late :-(
My next entry will have photos, promise.
I was hoping to get some christmas things made to sell on etsy but with only 36 days till christmas I think I may have left it to late :-(
My next entry will have photos, promise.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
To my big sis
This Tuesday my big sis has her viva to become a Dr so I can finally call her Dr Beeky, I'm a complete plonker and forgot to send her card off in time for her to see it before Tuesday so I've decided to post it on here.
GOOD LUCK DUCKY I know you'll ace it and I can't wait to see you on Wednesday so we can go shopping yeah
Christmas Time YEAH
Christmas is one of my favourite times of year, that and my birthday, I can't help it I just love pressies its not a crime. Anyways one of my friends at work found out about me making stuff and asked me to make a Christmas stocking for her boyfriend so anything to do with Christmas and I'm there. So here it is

I've also been trying my hand at making baubles, which is so much fun these are my first attempts so I think I may have to buy some more polystyrene balls plus I've decided that my old trees looking a bit boring so I'm treating myself to a new tree which means new decorations yeah bring on christmas.
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Wales and Second Order
Sorry I haven't updated recently I've been doing lots of over time at work and have been away to Wales over the weekend to see my lovely sister Beeky, its Becks really but its a pet nickname :-)
My house ^

I love going to Wales because the scenery is so pretty, the drive down is always manic but as soon as you see the sea the 4-5 hour drive seems worth it, plus theres these huge pink houses which are to die for. Theres this really nice house in Portmeirion where The Prisoner was shot which I so wanted to live in but I dont think £10 would have got me the house keys.

All so I got another order from work for a bag tidy so here it is:

I'm getting obsessed with the counter on my blog and I'm always looking to see whose seen my blog I know its sad but thank you for having a look even if it is for a few seconds.
Monday, 22 September 2008
First Order YEAH
The lovely carol at work is the first to put in an order for an apron, so todays task is to make an apron. I'm so excited my first order, I'm a bit silly like that get excited over anything well not anything but you get the gist :-)
I'll get back a bit later with a photo of the finished apron, I'm hoping to get it done today but that may be wishful thinking.
I'll get back a bit later with a photo of the finished apron, I'm hoping to get it done today but that may be wishful thinking.
It was definitely wishful thinking here's the photos of Carol's apron. My models on holiday at the moment, I tried to model it myself but I couldn't stop the flash on the camera going off so the mirror trick didn't work, typical.
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Cake Competition
On thursday I finally got round to making my cake entry for the Cath Kidston competition to win a limited edition Roberts Radio, so here it is -

The house was ment to be white but I made a booboo when buying the icing, I thought it was going to be white icing with dyes in the box to change its colour but it was four different colours already made up, POO. After screaming at myself for an hour (well not quite that long) I ended up painting the house blue, it took a long time but im pleased with how it looked (the family have already demolished it) shocking I know :-( Now its just fingers crossed.
Wednesday, 3 September 2008
Peg Bag
Sorry its been a while, been busy at work (sale time). Not had much chance to make anything new except a peg bag, just remembered about that (got a memory like a sieve).

I may have a few orders at the end of the week from very lovely work colleagues who have seen some of my work, one wants an apron and the other likes the look of the bag tidy, so yeah :-)
The problem here is I have a mountain of fabric but cant remember all the different colours and prints so I think my next task is to sort out all my material and make a note of them. This is going to take a very long time but it should help speed things up.
The problem here is I have a mountain of fabric but cant remember all the different colours and prints so I think my next task is to sort out all my material and make a note of them. This is going to take a very long time but it should help speed things up.
Other news, I have finally finished re-lining my sisters coat, never again, its the most difficultest (dont think that a word) thing I have ever tried doing. I still haven't picked up the courage to try and wash it yet because I'm scared it'll shrink in the wash. Stay tuned for that one.
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Last night I put the finishing touches to my retro '50s apron,which looks very cute (even if I do say so myself) although my mum who is very kindly modeling the apron has asked for one for Christmas, which is good because I never know what to get for her.
Anywho here's the finished piece.
Anywho here's the finished piece.

Friday, 22 August 2008
Cath Kidston Catalogue

This morning I got the new Cath Kidston catalogue through the mail and its so cute and unexpected I think my lovable sister may have sent for it, thank you Beeky. At the back there's a competition to win a limited edition Roberts radio with the cowboy print on so I'm totally entering that, you have to bake a cake and the best looking one wins, sounds easy hehe :-&
I think I may have to remortgage the parents house in order to pay for all the things I want in that shop its too cute, although some of the items in there I think I could make.

The other day at work I was serving this lady who had a really cute bag the only problem is its a baby changing type bag and I think you need a baby to have one of them so I might have to start putting nappies on Minnie (the bunny) I think he would look adorable in a nappy.
Monday, 18 August 2008
New patterns

The other day at work I found these ubber cute patterns for old style aprons like retro 50s diner style so this is my next task. I also found two cute patterns for dog toys so Minnie (my rabbit) will be inundated with cuddly toys. I'll hopefully have at least one of the aprons done by the end of the week and will post a photo of that.
Heres a picture of my rabbit Minnie, who looks adorable as Superbun, enjoy.

Saturday, 9 August 2008
Interior Design Work

Over the last two years I have been going to an Interior Design night course at the local college. Nicola, who runs the course has helped and inspired me to create some fun pieces like the kid's cupcake table and chairs (I produced this for the second level in the design course). In the first year I updated an old sewing box by painting it antique white and hand painting a flower print on the lid. I was really pleased with how they turned out.

The Finished Article
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Project Chintzy is go for launch!
Welcome to Project Chintzy! I love to buy cute chintzy things for my room and also have a go at making my own stuff. I work in the fabric department of a local store which is perfect for enhancing my fabric stash. Check it out:
Yesterday I went to York with my Mum and big sister (who helped me set this blog up) and we found the Cath Kidston store!! I was in heaven! Unfortunately my purse didn't stretch to buying one of everything but the store did give me inspiration for a few items I could try and make myself. Today I'm having a go at making a plastic bag tidy. Here's a few work in progress pics - pop back later to see the finished item!
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