Sunday 12 October 2008

Wales and Second Order

Sorry I haven't updated recently I've been doing lots of over time at work and have been away to Wales over the weekend to see my lovely sister Beeky, its Becks really but its a pet nickname :-)

I love going to Wales because the scenery is so pretty, the drive down is always manic but as soon as you see the sea the 4-5 hour drive seems worth it, plus theres these huge pink houses which are to die for. Theres this really nice house in Portmeirion where The Prisoner was shot which I so wanted to live in but I dont think £10 would have got me the house keys.

My house ^

All so I got another order from work for a bag tidy so here it is:

I'm getting obsessed with the counter on my blog and I'm always looking to see whose seen my blog I know its sad but thank you for having a look even if it is for a few seconds.