Tuesday 25 November 2008

One Month To Christmas

I cant believe there only 30 days till Christmas YEAH. I've been really busy making Christmas cards and tree decorations and as promised I have surpassed myself with photos. Here's the cards that I've been making:

And these are the decorations which where originally for the tree but I think they maybe too big for my 4ft tree (although I did nearly buy a 6ft tree but thought it would be a wee bit to big for my room) :

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Project Chinzy goes to Etsy

I'm hoping to get a little marketplace on the etsy site sorted out before the end of the year so if you like what you've seen on my blog then come visit my etsy site. (but not yet)
I was hoping to get some christmas things made to sell on etsy but with only 36 days till christmas I think I may have left it to late :-(
My next entry will have photos, promise.

Sunday 9 November 2008

To my big sis

This Tuesday my big sis has her viva to become a Dr so I can finally call her Dr Beeky, I'm a complete plonker and forgot to send her card off in time for her to see it before Tuesday so I've decided to post it on here.

GOOD LUCK DUCKY I know you'll ace it and I can't wait to see you on Wednesday so we can go shopping yeah

Christmas Time YEAH

Christmas is one of my favourite times of year, that and my birthday, I can't help it I just love pressies its not a crime. Anyways one of my friends at work found out about me making stuff and asked me to make a Christmas stocking for her boyfriend so anything to do with Christmas and I'm there. So here it is

I've also been trying my hand at making baubles, which is so much fun these are my first attempts so I think I may have to buy some more polystyrene balls plus I've decided that my old trees looking a bit boring so I'm treating myself to a new tree which means new decorations yeah bring on christmas.