Sunday 22 February 2009

It's Been Awhile

I know its been awhile since my last post but my dear nana 'smiff' is in hospital so everything is kind of on hold, well all except work which I could only wish for that to be on hold :-) so I have barely had anytime to make things.

Although saying that about a week ago I started making a Union Jack cushion for this chair I have my eye on in a second hand shop so hopefully it'll still be there (the chair that is not the cushion). I was on a roll with making the cushion one night and then realised I didnt have enough ribbon which is kind of funny because if you knew me you would know I have a large collection of ribbons, probably enough to set up my own stall. Anywho getting back on track once I got the right amount of ribbon all hell let loose and haven't been able to find the time to finish it or make anything new for my etsy shop (I'll put the site address for the Project Chintzy shop at the bottom of this post because I think I still put the wrong address on. I know I'm rubbish.)

In january I made a tote bag for my sisters friend Helen for christmas and I've been meaning to put this picture on my blog for a while so here it is. From what I hear of Beeky, Helen is always reading the blog so hello and I hope you like the bag.

Anyways heres the Project Chintzy shop add.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Items for sale at etsy

This week I have finally got round to making some stuff for my etsy shop, I know I made a booboo with the web address for my Project Chintzy shop but I have change it to the right address now (sorry for any inconvience, I'm quite knew to the whole world of internet selling and such like). Anywho i thought I'd put a preview of some of the things for sale at
First there are my bag tidies going for £5

Then theres my needle case each going for £4.50 (with this product I'm hoping I've listed it right because i put them all on the same page but if you are interested just mention which design you like) :-)

And thats it so far I'm hoping to have an apron or two on by next week.