Monday 13 April 2009

Visit to Stratford / The cutest shop

The last few weeks have been crazy with a break to Stratford where I fell in love with the cutest shop called Aspire, I was won over by the window display of bunnies and pink things very me. The inside is just as amazing as the window, I was only in Stratford for a couple of days but I visited that shop 4 or 5 times (I know I need to get a life) but it was pretty much the shop I have always dreamed of in my fuzzy head set out in front of me, amazing.
After getting back home from Stratford I found myself in one of those craft making moods so I made a dress which fits all wrong :-( [I'm currently trying to fix that], lots of greeting cards which will be going on to my etsy site I just need to get my unorganised butt into action, I also have an apron to put on my site and some fabric broaches so fingers crossed I will start selling some stuff.
I'll get some photos put on at a later date.