Tuesday 15 September 2009

New Sewing Project

A while back I told you about Carol at work who asked me to make her an apron for her mum, well two weeks ago she asked me to make a replica of a skirt she already had and loved. This was no straightforward skirt there was four pieces to it and none of them were the same. I also had to make a pattern of the original which was a task in its self, but I was glad of the distraction from the very quiet house, (who would have thought a rabbit that said nothing except the occasional sneeze would leave a house feeling so quiet) :-(

Once I got going with making the pattern out of old fabric I got into a stride with it and had the skirt complete within 3 days, this came as a shock to Carol who is over the moon with it.
Here's a front and back photo of the said skirt modelled by my mum who is also called Carol.