Wednesday 3 September 2008

Peg Bag

Sorry its been a while, been busy at work (sale time). Not had much chance to make anything new except a peg bag, just remembered about that (got a memory like a sieve).

I may have a few orders at the end of the week from very lovely work colleagues who have seen some of my work, one wants an apron and the other likes the look of the bag tidy, so yeah :-)
The problem here is I have a mountain of fabric but cant remember all the different colours and prints so I think my next task is to sort out all my material and make a note of them. This is going to take a very long time but it should help speed things up.
Other news, I have finally finished re-lining my sisters coat, never again, its the most difficultest (dont think that a word) thing I have ever tried doing. I still haven't picked up the courage to try and wash it yet because I'm scared it'll shrink in the wash. Stay tuned for that one.

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