Wednesday 24 June 2009

Spoiling you

Its been a while since my last blog update but I've been a busy beaver, can't quite remember what I've been upto but thats just my dippy memory for you.
Anyways I'm spoiling you with todays update with lots of piccies, the first are of tops I've been making they're a simple design but are flattering to my not so flattering body so here they are:

The next lot of photos are of the two new buys I just treated my room too, its a cute door pig who has the cutest face ever, and a sign that says sweet dreams they are both very me:

I've been doing my usual rummaging through sales stock and finding some very cool stuff like these Easter badges with funny looking bunnies on they have totally changed the look of to kind of boring cushion into really cute looking cushions so here they are:

And finally I was meant to go on holiday last week to see my dear OLD sister Beeky who lives down in wales but on the Saturday that we were all set to leave my lovely fluffy bunny Minnie became ill (he wasn't pooing) I know you all really wanted to know that :-) . Anywho cut a long story short he started pooing again on Wednesday but by that time it was to late to join the rest of the family down in Wales so I stayed with the devious bunny rabbit whose plot to keep me home all week worked brilliantly. Heres some very cute pictures of him sleeping on Wednesday. Enjoy:

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