Saturday 29 August 2009

Tribute To My Fluffy Bunny

On Tuesday my worst nightmare happened and my beautiful bunny rabbit Minnie died.
I've decided to pay a tribute to Minnie who gave me 6 years of love, laughter and too much heart ache.

The first day I laid eyes on Minnie I knew he would be trouble, his face was so cute and he had this little pose he would pull when he knew he had done something wrong... Trouble.

When we went to pick him up we were told he was chocolate with a hint of cream in fact he was more cream with a hint of chocolate so dad and I came to the conclusion that the original had been sold and he was Mr Replacement.

Once home, he became curious and started looking around bobbing his head like a car accessory which was really cute. It didn't take him long to settle in. Now his original name was Mr Tinkles but after nodding to the approval of the name Minnie we decided to name him Mr Minnie Tinkles now I know Minnie is a girls name but it just fit.
As you can see he was a very fluffy bunny although this didn't last long once Mimi got her teeth on him, she later got the name Sweeney Todd. This is Sweeney:

There are a lot of stories to tell about Minnie so this is kind of a short version of his life.

One of the funniest memories are all the Christmas mornings spent together. We would all leggit down stairs to the living room to open our presents, Minnie in tow who would help pick which presents to open next and run round all of us to see what we had got then he would jump into to all the discarded wrapping paper and start playing hide and seek, this made for a perfect photo opportunity which Minnie would never say no too as he was a great poser.

Another Christmas favourite of mine is buying him an accessory and running around the house trying to put it on him to see how cute he looks I know that's mean but just look at how cute he looks:


Another of my favourites was when my dear Nana (who also died this year) would tell people at the centre she would go to that her granddaughters bunny could play the piano, now being in her 90s they just thought she was losing her marbles until she produced this photo of Minnie sat on a piano stole playing the piano. I would have loved to have seen their faces.

My Nana adored Minnie which surprised us all because nan has always run away from anything with four legs and fur.

Another quirky past time of Minnie's was sticking his head in cereal box for the scraps at the bottom, sometimes his head would get stuck and sometimes Mimi the pig would join in. Here's a few shots of the cereal monster.

He also enjoyed teacakes, soldiers (as in eggs and soldiers not the people), crunchy granola bars, raisin wheat's, tea bags and many more none rabbit foods.

There is a very funny story about Minnie and tea bags which happened a few weeks ago. One of mum's friends Joyce came over to borrow some tea bags now unbeknown to Joyce, Minnie was routing through her big bag searching for the tea and the little menace found them, ate four and then for the rest of the night was literally bouncing of the walls it was so funny to watch I wish I had got it on film.

There are so many more stories about Minnie to be told which is why its so sad and hard to have lost him at such a young age. He will always be in our hearts and will never be replaced.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about the funnest bunny on the planet: Mr Minnie Tinkles

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