Wednesday 21 October 2009

Summer Holiday

The last couple of weeks or more like the past month has been pretty busy.

In September me and my sister Beeky (also pinky the hippo and mini minnie the bunny) went away on holiday to Rhodes and it was gorgeous, the sun was always out unlike un-sunny Stockton and I was with my big sis, no interruptions just the two of us having fun, bliss.

This years holiday was meant to be a relaxing one unlike our last holiday to Rome which saw us walking all over the place, it was a brilliant holiday but very busy and Rhodes was meant to be a relax from the stresses of work however that didn't happen, well it did but we were still pooped by the end of the week.

While in Rhodes I found this cute little shop tucked away in Lindos (the three tier cake) that sold beautiful pottery with so much detail on them, I took a few shots of the shop it was too cute to pass plus I bought a little purple bowl which sits on my grandads tall boy.

I made a couple of friends while away, there was Ruddy the cockerel who went off at 6.30am every morning without fail, even on our first night there (we arrived at the hotel at 5am) hence the name Ruddy. And then there was NooNoo the fly yes I know I shouldn't like them and normally I don't but NooNoo was very well behaved, he would sit quietly while we had our dinner and on the last night he found our room and came to visit, he left not long after as Beeky did threaten to kill him (mean).

In Rhodes town the old section I brought back two tiles which will hopefully fit in with our new kitchen (we're in the middle of decorating so everything's a mess).

Also in Rhodes town we found the cutest dog ever it had the face of a King Charles and this huge body definitely a mix breed so cute.

In Kalithea Springs we both decided to beat our fear of swimming in the sea and jumped in, well climbed in slowly and swam out a little way. It was a very funny paddle because Beeky did a little squeal and I thought she was being eaten by a shark so I squealed and well it ended up being a big slimy rock that cut and bruised my leg. I did try to pass it of as a shark attack but well I still had two legs so it didn't work.

The architecture was stunning everything was made with such detail the floors are mosaics and the buildings are like mini master pieces.

On the day we were meant to be leaving Rhodes to come back home our plane decided to die on us so we ended up in a 5 star hotel I know how awful. Our room was lovely lots of freebies :-) and the food was delicious.

Once home I missed my original train and ended up in York instead of Darlington so the lovely parents drove down to pick me up and then the holiday was over. I was to tired to be sad but the next day I missed my sister, and the wake up calls from Ruddy and little NooNoo. But I did print out the 300+ photos to make a scrap book that only fits 50 photos in, DOH.

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